Kanning Dental in Lawson and Richmond works with patients to alleviate their anxiety in a variety of ways, including educating them on what to expect with each dental treatment or procedure. Your dental care is provided in a gentle, compassionate manner with your confidence and comfort in mind. In many situations, learning the aspects of dental treatment or a dental procedure can alleviate a patient’s fear of the unknown and help them to relax while receiving the dental care they need and/or desire.


Our doctors also offer sedation options for patients who prefer to feel completely relaxed during their dental treatment or procedure. Dental sedation can enable patients to be responsive and in control of their bodily functions during a procedure, but relaxed and comfortable with little or no memory afterward. Your dentist will meet with you during a consultation prior to your procedure to discuss your medical history and sedation options to determine which option best suits your unique needs and dental health. For patients needing several dental procedures to restore a healthy smile, sedation dentistry can allow our team to perform multiple treatments during one visit. If you've been avoiding the dentist due to fear or anxiety, we welcome you and will work with you to help re-establish lasting oral health and a clean, comfortable smile.


Dr. Kanning options oral sedation for adult patients, administered in the form of a pill or sublingually (under the tongue) prior to your treatment or procedure. Oral sedation requires no needles or numbing and is often the preferred option for patients with dental anxiety, enabling them to easily relax in the dentist chair and receive the dentistry they need for a healthy smile. Our staff will monitor your comfort level and responsiveness throughout your dental treatment to ensure your safety. You will need to make arrangements for someone to drive you home after your treatment. The oral sedative will wear off within a couple of hours after your treatment, and most patients can return to their daily routine later the same day or the following day if they received several treatments and were sedated for an extended period of time.


Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is administered via a mask placed directly over the nose. As patients breathe in the odorless gas, they will feel completely relaxed and experience no discomfort during the procedure. One of the benefits of this type of sedation is the rapid effect it has, often within less than a minute. Patients typically experience a euphoric sensation that can make them giggle, hence the nickname of “laughing gas”. As with oral sedation, nitrous oxide enables patients to be responsive and in control of their bodily functions, but with little or no memory afterward. Another benefit of nitrous oxide is that it wears off immediately- as soon as the mask is removed. This means that patients can drive themselves home or back to work after their treatment.


  • If I suffer from dental anxiety, what should I do first?

    The first step is to call our office. Let us know about your fears and our friendly staff will walk you through all your options. At your first appointment, you’ll be able to discuss in-depth what your fears are with the dentist. We offer several sedation options that will help you receive the dental care you need.

  • What can I do to prepare for my dentist appointment to help ease my anxiety?

    There are several things you can do on your own that may help ease the anxiety you feel during your appointment. The most important is to be very honest and specific with us about your fears. This way we can help you overcome your fears. We suggest bringing a person or item with you to your appointment that may help comfort you, trying relaxation techniques, or finding ways to help distract you during your appointment.

  • Can I use sedation dentistry for my dental anxiety?

    Yes, we offer two types of sedation dentistry: oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide. Both have been used for many years and are considered very safe and effective. After reviewing your medical history and discussing your fears, we will recommend which type of sedation will work best for you.

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